Hello World!

Thanks for having me on this platform. (Just so you know, I love puns but unfortunately I’m really bad with making them too. So bear with me.)

So here’s a little bio about myself:

I’m currently a college student in San Jose State University, majoring in Computer Science. I was born in Hong Kong and lived there for 8 years. Then my family and I moved to the Bay Area and have been living here ever since.

My writing is not perfect…actually far from perfect. I never use fancy-SAT-vocabularies to flatter my readers because I never really believe in them. My grammar is a joke. But I do keep the content of my writing the most genuine and real.

I hope my writing/experience may inspire you in some ways and encourage you to continue/start your walk with Jesus. Anyways, I look forward to share my taste of reality with you!


You can also follow my personal blog and my journey throughout reality there.

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